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Bible Verse of the Week - Quiet Reflection

Bible Quiet Time Bible Verse of the Week

As you can imagine, the Christmas holiday season is the busiest time for us. There's the commotion of  family, parties, etc, and also the "we got to get these orders shipped asap" commotion ;)

I try to find a place for quiet time. I don't know about you, but nothing seems to interrupt me when I'm browsing social media like Instagram, etc. But as soon as I start my devotion "there's all these things I needed to do" @_@. That's why I try to find a change of environment. This is the inspiration for this week's Bible Verse:

Matthew 14:23
And after he had dismissed the crowds, he went up on the mountain by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone,

Luke 5:16
But he would withdraw to desolate places and pray.

A change in environment triggers a mind shift. I tend to write prayers down just to keep things straight. Here are a couple of my "desolate places"

1) Top level of a parking structure - Not exactly a mountain, but the only people that would pass by here are the ones that are going to park or are going to leave. It's also offers a view of the city.
2) A seemingly misplaced Burger King - there's a Burger King I got to that never seems to get busy. A great place to gather my thoughts and a quick bite.

As you can see, these are not the  most epic places. Life tends to get in the way, it's better to go to a convenient location and have your quiet time than end up not doing it at all. Make sure to take time out to reflect amidst the Christmas season commotion.

Where is your Quiet Place? Let us know.

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