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Roman Road to Salvation Ring, Bible Verse Gospel Outline, Black Stainless Steel
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$ 26.95
- Religious: Do You Want to Share the Gospel? Use The Roman Road to Salvation Ring. This will provide an outline of Faith and Salvation.
- Bible Verse: THE ROMAN ROAD
- Bible References: ROMANS 3:10, 3:23, 5:8, 5:12, 6:23, 10:9, 10:13
- Style: The bible verses outlines the Gospel of Salvation.
- Material: 10mm band. Stainless Steel with Black Frame, Brushed Finish and V Cut Design
- Fantastic Faith Bible Verse Ring!
Roman Road to Salvation Outline
- Romans 3:10 - No one is righteous
- Romans 3:23 - We are all sinners
- Romans 5:8 - God loves us and Jesus Christ died for us
- Romans 5:12 - Death entered the world through Adam's sin
- Romans 6:23 - Wages of sin is death. Gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus
- Romans 10:9 - Declare that Jesus is Lord and believe that He rose again
- Romans 10:13 - Everyone who calls on God will be Saved.